
A JS to deal with progress bars


The update_bar function dynamically updates the content and value of a progress bar component in an HTML document. It updates three elements: the progress bar's percentage value, its associated descriptive text, and an optional header.


Parameter Type Description
percent number The percentage value to update the progress bar. This value is applied to the value attribute of an HTML <progress> element with the ID percent.
text string (optional) The descriptive text to display alongside the progress bar. If provided, it updates the inner content of an HTML element with the ID progress_text. Default is an empty string ("").
header string (optional) An optional header for the progress bar section. If provided, it updates the inner content of an HTML element with the ID progress_header. Default is an empty string ("").


  1. Update Progress Text: If an element with the ID progress_text exists, its innerHTML is updated with the text parameter.
  2. Update Progress Header: If an element with the ID progress_header exists, its innerHTML is updated with the header parameter.
  3. Update Progress Bar Value: The function modifies the value attribute of the <progress> element with the ID percent to reflect the percent parameter.

Example Usage

// Update the progress bar to 50%, with a descriptive text and header
update_bar(50, "Loading data...", "Data Upload Progress");

// Update the progress bar to 75%, with only descriptive text
update_bar(75, "Processing...");

// Update the progress bar to 100%, without any text or header



If the required elements (progress_text, progress_header, or percent) are not present in the DOM, the function skips their updates without throwing errors. Use this function in combination with dynamic progress updates for a seamless user experience in tasks like file uploads, processing, or loading states.
